John Muir’s Desk

Before I get to the main topic of this week’s blog, I want to mention that this is my 53rd blog of 2024. Each Monday I add the previous week’s blog to the archives, and this week I’d reached 52 entries for 2024 and still had another week to go. At first I assumed that...

First Snow

Last week’s blog was “First Ice.” This week’s blog is “First Snow.” I moved to San Francisco the winter of 1981 and immediately took a job at a North Face store. My very first customer was a man who wanted to buy a down Gore-tex jacket. His request confused me,...

First Ice

The last week of November and the first week of December were unseasonably cold. In a short period of time the local backwaters went from open water to solid sheets of ice. The main channels of the Mississippi, Black, and La Crosse Rivers remain open, but all of the...

Gāo Xìng

I overheard Manyu talking on the phone. She was speaking in Mandarin, so I understood very little. At one point, I did hear her say,  “Steve hěn gāo xìng,”which I knew to mean “Steve is happy.” The comment surprised me, as I wasn’t particularly happy that day. Nor was...


If lawns of bluegrass and fescue are ecological deserts, no one’s told the starlings. In late autumn, flocks of the birds suddenly appear in my front yard, peck for thirty, maybe forty seconds, then fly off for the lawn across the street. I don’t know what they are...
Steven Simpson