by svsauthor | Dec 17, 2023 | Uncategorized
Once a week I visit my neighbor Charlie. Several years ago he fell on some steps and compressed his spinal cord. The accident left his legs weak and immobile. Until this past October I visited him in his home. Now he’s in a long-term care facility. Charlie and I have...
by svsauthor | Dec 9, 2023 | Uncategorized
My big frustration this week has been my outdoor Christmas lights. I am into my third day of what should have been a 30-minute project. I decided to string only one set of lights this year, and I assumed that at least one of the three strings stored in my basement...
by svsauthor | Dec 3, 2023 | Uncategorized
It snowed last week. It was not the first snow of the year, but it was the first snow that felt like winter. Only a few inches fell, but I sense those few inches will be here until March. I look out my window and see fallen oak leaves poking out of the white. I wish...
by svsauthor | Nov 23, 2023 | Uncategorized
Manyu took a four-day trip to Chicago and left me without a car. She also left me without milk. There was a half carton of soy (I won’t even call it milk) in the refrigerator, but that’s a different food group from dairy and has no place on my Cheerios. I’d made sure...
by svsauthor | Nov 19, 2023 | Uncategorized
The most memorable animal sightings are the unexpected ones. The first whale I ever saw breached not fifty yards from where I stood on the steps of the Point Reyes lighthouse. Not as spectacular, but just as surprising, I once stared into an evening campfire on an...
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