A Taiwanese Accent

My current writing project is a series of essays about life as a middle class Wisconsin dad raising his daughter alongside a first generation Asian American mom. I am two years into the project, but only recently have I been sending draft chapters to my bicultural...

Ball and Socket

This week I watched five different DYI videos on three different subjects. The first two were about filleting a walleye. While the demonstrations did not teach me much that I did not already know, they were strong reminders that I don’t get my fillet knives sharp...

I Let the Words of My Youth Fade Away

I cannot remember the last time I wrote an essay or a book chapter where the original introduction survived the final edit. I ramble when I write, yet I value concise writing. By the time I get to the heart of a topic, the first several paragraphs of a piece...


Last week Manyu and I drove Manyu’s brother to Madison for a medical appointment. It was scheduled for 3pm, and the plan was for Clare, who lives in Madison, to grab some carryout Chinese food and join us for an early dinner before we headed back to La Crosse. I’d...

Chinese New Year 2025

Manyu does not get overly excited about Christmas, and I’m lukewarm to Chinese New Year. As much as we appreciate each other’s cultures, our love of particular holidays remains tied to our individual childhoods. Clare is both her mother’s daughter and her dad’s little...

On the Trail, Off the Trail

The main loop of northern California’s Muir Woods is a wide and clearly marked trail. The most heavily trafficked sections have split rail fences on either side. The parts that are not fenced have signs reminding people to stay on the trail. Near the entrance is an...
Steven Simpson