Gulls, Terns, and Pelicans

I spent the days on either side of my seventieth birthday at my mom’s house near Green Bay, Wisconsin. On one of those days, my sister, my brother, my sister-in-law, Manyu, and I took a day trip to the small city of Algoma. Once a commercial fishing village on Lake...

The Weather or Just Weathered?

Last night I returned home from my annual fishing trip into a remote section of Ontario’s Lake of the Woods. This year, for the first time, the afterglow of the trip was intermixed with questions about how long old men can handle serious backcountry travel. Five of...


I thought my FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) days were over, but this winter I helped two high school seniors complete their applications. One of the kids is my nephew (Manyu’s brother’s son). The other is the daughter of a friend. Much has been...

Turning 70 at the End of the Month

In preparation for my annual Canadian fishing trip, I needed to organize my fishing gear. I went into my garage to inventory my current supply of lures and jigs, only to discover that my tackle box was gone. I hadn’t used it or seen it since last October, and now it...

Old People in the Grocery Store

The older I get, the less tolerant I am of old people. Any empathy generated by my own mental lapses is more than offset by a serious case of curmudgeonliness. I don’t like the way some old people drive. I don’t like the way some of them remain in political office...
Steven Simpson