by svsauthor | Feb 27, 2022 | Uncategorized
This year I missed Manyu’s and my anniversary. With it being so close to Valentine’s Day and with me not even knowing which day I’m supposed to celebrate, I don’t always give the day the recognition it deserves. Never before had I forgotten it completely. Our...
by svsauthor | Feb 20, 2022 | Uncategorized
A month and a half ago Chris Brannan, Purdue University Press’s graphic artist, contacted me about the cover design for my forthcoming book. He asked me to send him a few nature photos I’d taken and then select several more from a large collection of high-resolution...
by svsauthor | Feb 13, 2022 | Uncategorized
My favorite book about writing is Stephen King’s On Writing. At one point in it, he describes good writing as the ability to kill your darlings. By this, he means one of the hardest parts of writing is deleting a good sentence, a well-organized paragraph, or an...
by svsauthor | Feb 6, 2022 | Uncategorized
In the years when we had kids around the house, the highlight of Chinese New Year was the handing out of red envelopes. Children went from adult to adult wishing them a prosperous and happy new year, and the adults rewarded the kids with an envelope of money. When...
by svsauthor | Jan 30, 2022 | Uncategorized
Last week’s blog was about driving to Madison to buy groceries for the Lunar New Year. I let myself get sidetracked about the holiday itself and didn’t write about the food we bought. We filled a grocery cart, so I won’t list every item, but there were fish balls,...
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