by svsauthor | May 28, 2022 | Uncategorized
John Muir once said that with so much of the world to experience he barely had time to write. Usually my life is mundane enough for me to write several hours each morning, but the past six weeks have been the exception. With an unexpectedly long trip to northern...
by svsauthor | May 3, 2022 | Uncategorized
I am still traveling without electronic devices, so I won’t be able to type up and post this week’s blog. The following is an excerpt from my upcoming Essays to My Daughter on Our Relationship with the Natural World. By next week, I’ll be back to writing my usual...
by svsauthor | Apr 26, 2022 | Uncategorized
Currently I am traveling without electronic devices, so I won’t be able to write my weekly blog. However, the manuscript for my next book is in the hands of Purdue University Press undergoing final revisions, so while I am away, I will print short excerpts from the...
by svsauthor | Apr 18, 2022 | Uncategorized
Some people derive nearly as much pleasure in preparing for a trip as they do going on the trip. Travelers to Europe hover over Lonely Planet guide books and plan itineraries. Fishermen and fisherwomen go through their tackle boxes and get their gear in perfect order....
by svsauthor | Apr 12, 2022 | Uncategorized
For a few days now I have put away my bicycle and instead have been taking long walks through the La Crosse River Marsh. The reason is that Manyu and I plan on taking a five-day trek along the French section of the Camino de Santiago in two weeks, so we want to get...
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