by svsauthor | Nov 12, 2023 | Uncategorized
For the past week, I have been helping my nephew Xiao Tu with his applications for college. For one of his required essays, he’s been asked to describe an obstacle he’s had to overcome. Xiao Tu moved from Taiwan to the United States when he was six years and did not...
by svsauthor | Nov 5, 2023 | Uncategorized
The railroad right of way bisected the bog. It also stopped me from paddling deeper into the bog. I could have dragged my kayak over the high embankment and pressed on, but dusk was approaching and I needed to get off the water. Another full day remained of my long...
by svsauthor | Oct 28, 2023 | Uncategorized
I don’t hunt, but one weekend a year I go on an upland game bird hunting trip. While several of my friends bushwhack through logged over sections of the Flambeau River State Forest in search of ruffed grouse, I stay behind at a lakeshore cabin to fish, paddle, and...
by svsauthor | Oct 21, 2023 | Uncategorized
Two mornings a week I write in the atrium of our local nature center. There is free coffee and a view of the marsh. School groups pass through the building most mornings, but they seldom disrupt my solitude for more than a few minutes. The kids get a quick tour of the...
by svsauthor | Oct 15, 2023 | Uncategorized
On Saturday I attended a neighbor’s funeral. On Sunday I visited a second neighbor who is getting ready to move into a long-term care facility. Both are older than me, but not by all that much. Then, on Monday I went for my Medicare-funded annual physical. I received...
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